Saturday, February 03, 2007

Reading Man

It's been a record month or so for me, book-wise:
  • Finished Calvino's "If on a winter's night a traveler".
  • Started and finished Foer's "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close".
I attribute this new reading success to three things:
  1. Saturdays at the gym on the recumbant stationary bike.
  2. Joining a newly formed book club with a deadline (Foer's book, March 30.)
  3. Reading a best-selling novel by a still-living author in its original language (again, Foer's book.)

But now what?

  • Shall I return to Doestoyevsky? Has my new success renewed enough reading confidence, or should I pin a couple more titles to my chest first? But, is it really fair to start another book with this one still half-read? Cons: possibly too heavy for the recumbant stationary bike, 19th century russian author.
  • Shall I return to my college pattern of faith, architecture, fiction, culture, repeat? Is "culture" next or should I start back over with "faith" because I've been out of the cycle so long? Cons: what if my reading streak doesn't last?
  • And what about the novel I just bought because the movie it spawned looks so interesting? Is that too much fiction for two months time? What about my existentialist ideals? What if I just went to the movie instead?
  • Or the coffee table book I got for Christmas? Cons: definitely too heavy for the gym.
  • Or the "faith" book that everyone I know has read and likes. Cons: when was the last time I liked something that everyone else liked?

It's either the "movie" book or the popular "faith" book, or the coffee table "architecture" book with another book on the side.

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