Monday, February 06, 2006

The Author Complex

A friend encouraged me this week to write a book on a Christian perspective on Architecture. (As if I've never thought of writing a book on a Christian perspective on Architecture.) We tried to think of other similar titles - the only one I could think of was Ruskin's "Seven Lamps." It's probably about time for another one. And really, that's not fair - there are other Christian-Architecture books, and I haven't read them. However, this makes the point: perhaps the first challenge will be to write a book that someone will want to read.

My friend said he would help. The first thing is an outline. Then, make the book tell a story. Write a little bit at a time. What if you could write a page a day? In a year, it'd be a healthy size text.

But - a page. Have you ever tried to write a page? 8 1/2 x 11, or does 6x9 count, with 1" margins?

So, an outline:

1. Christian theory in architecture - creation, fall, redemption, creativity, environment. Get through this part quick.
2. Places - places we've been, what we see, what we feel, what we believe, what difference does it make?
3. Perhaps a tangent about elevators and commuter airplanes - what actually happens when that door closes and opens again into a new situation?
4. Something abstract - cf Italo Calvino's "Invisible Cities."

. . . to be continued

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