It's time for another Toastmaster's speach. Here's a draft of #4. I've still got a day to clean it up:
Project #4 How to Say It
Helping the Poor Should be an Ordinary Thing
June 21, 2006
I. Helping the poor should be an ordinary thing.
a. It shouldn’t be a political soapbox.
b. It shouldn’t be the job of the few, the brave.
c. It shouldn’t be the subject of a startling speech.
II. “In the depths of darkest Raleigh . . .”
a. Wrong. The poor in Raleigh are our neighbors
i. The difference between a poor neighborhood and a trendy neighborhood can be just around a corner or opposite ends of a street.
1. Example – West South Street to Boylan Avenue
2. Example – North Bloodworth Street to South Bloodworth Street
3. Example – Oakwood Neighborhood to Boyer Street
ii. Especially in Raleigh, the lines between the Rich and Poor neighborhoods are blurred – we drive through these communities every day.
III. “They’re people with needs we can’t understand.”
a. Wrong. Their needs are the same as ours.
i. Progress Energy electric bills, efficient housing, safe neighborhoods, transportation to jobs, local education
b. They have the same beliefs – we never debate theology;
c. The same priorities – caring for their children.
d. Difference in the number of economic choices.
IV. “Only a few brave souls can reach them.”
a. Wrong. Anyone can help another person.
b. It takes listening
i. What are the real needs?
ii. What need can you help now?
iii. How can you address the causes?
c. It takes matching resources
i. What can you give to match what they need?
1. Can you give Money? Leadership? Expertise?
V. “So, you’re saying poverty is easy to solve?”
a. No. It’s generations deep, but we can still help each other.
b. Don’t forget the big issues –
i. Education reform – equal education without busing,
ii. Property incentives – for wealth building
iii. Good policing and speedy justice – for safe communities
VI. Stop thinking it’s Us and Them. It’s all Us
a. Start by lending tools to your neighbor
b. Join an organization that helps people who you wouldn’t get to meet.
c. Then, when you get a chance, try out the soap box or the startling speech.
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